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Kateryna Mainina Kateryna Mainina

Let’s Learn About Snakes!

Before delving into the artistic process of drawing a snake, let’s take a moment to appreciate these fascinating creatures. Understanding the anatomy and characteristics of snakes will provide valuable insights for creating a more realistic and visually appealing drawing.

How To Draw a Snake

Snake Anatomy Basics

To draw a snake realistically, you need to be familiar with its basic anatomy. Snakes have a distinctive long, cylindrical body, a head with various shapes, scales covering their skin, and a forked tongue. Knowing these features will help you capture the essence of a snake in your drawing.

Different Species, Different Shapes

Snakes come in various species, each with unique characteristics. Whether it’s a cobra’s hood or a rattlesnake’s tail, understanding the differences will add authenticity to your drawings. Reference images of different snake species can serve as a valuable resource.

Drawing Inspiration from Nature

Observing snakes in their natural habitat or studying images of snakes in motion can inspire dynamic and lifelike drawings. Pay attention to how they coil, strike, or move through different terrains. Incorporating these elements will bring vibrancy to your artwork.

Image Reference Boards

To draw a snake with precision, having a visual reference is crucial. Create image reference boards that showcase different snake species, head shapes, body textures, and unique features. These boards will serve as your artistic guide throughout the drawing process.

Collecting Reference Images

Search for high-quality images online or use wildlife magazines to gather a diverse collection of snake references. Organize them into categories such as head shapes, body patterns, and scales. Having a well-organized reference board will make it easier to access the information you need.

Importance of Image References

Using image references helps you grasp the intricate details of snake anatomy. It ensures accuracy in your drawings and allows you to experiment with different styles. Remember, even the most skilled artists use references to enhance their work.

How to Draw a Snake Step-by-Step Tutorial

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of drawing a snake. Follow these guidelines for a comprehensive tutorial.

Step 1: Draw the sketch of a snake

First, prepare a cozy place for yourself. Take a piece of paper, a pencil, an eraser, and a black liner. Start drawing the sketch of the future snake

Step 2: Draw the head

The next step is to draw a smooth line in the center of the snake. And draw the head in more detail (eyes, nostrils, open mouth).

How To Draw a Snake Step 1 2

Step 3: Drawing teeth and tongue

We draw sharp teeth and a tongue as long as a gift ribbon.

Step 4: Draw the body of a snake

Now draw the body along its entire length, twisting behind like a thick rope.

How To Draw a Snake Step 3 4

Step 5: Draw a snake pattern

Now let’s move on to the snake pattern. Draw rectangles on the stomach, and in the upper part of the stomach, draw scales. And add a little grass at the bottom of the sheet of paper.

Step 6: Draw the outline with a liner

Now take a black liner and draw the outline of the snake. Add more color to the area where the snake’s belly lies on the ground.

How To Draw a Snake Step 5 6

Step 7: Completing the snake drawing

Congratulations! Your snake drawing is almost complete 🙂 You can add some details, such as cloud outlines.

How To Draw a Snake Step 7


Drawing a snake can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, especially when armed with the right knowledge and techniques. By understanding snake anatomy, utilizing reference images, and following a step-by-step tutorial, you can create stunning snake drawings. Whether you choose a realistic approach or let your imagination run wild, embrace the creative journey of bringing these captivating creatures to life on paper. Happy drawing!