Article created by Mimi Community:
Kateryna Mainina Kateryna Mainina

Roosters, with their kaleidoscope of colors and distinct crowing, embody the rustic charm of farm life. If you’re itching to capture the essence of these charismatic birds on paper, our step-by-step guide on how to draw a rooster will help you create a vivid and animated rooster illustration.

How to Draw a Rooster

Starting Your Rooster Drawing Adventure

Before you put pencil to paper, make sure you have all your art supplies ready. You’ll need a trusty pencil, a dependable eraser, and a fresh sheet of paper. Now, let’s embark on your artistic journey and bring the farmyard to life.

Step 1: Draw the outline of the body

As a first step, draw the outline of the body of the future rooster in the center of the paper.

Step 2: Draw the comb

Draw a comb, an eye, and a beak.

How to Draw a Rooster Step 1 2

Step 3: Draw the feathers

Add a zigzag line on the cockerel’s neck. Also, draw the base of the legs.

Step 4: Draw the wing and legs

Now you can move on to the feet, making sure to add sharp claws. Additionally, in this step, you need to draw the wing and the base of the tail.

How to Draw a Rooster Step 3 4

Step 5: Draw the tail

Now let’s move on to the tail. The rooster’s tail is long and beautiful, so draw enough feathers.

Step 6: Add details

The final step before coloring is to add details, such as grass, sun, or a flower.

How to Draw a Rooster Step 5 6

Step 7: Color the crest and feet

Using any materials (paints, crayons, pastels, markers, etc.), color the crest red and the beak and legs yellow.

Step 8: Color the rooster’s body

Now take the blue, green, and purple colors and color the rooster’s body.

How to Draw a Rooster Step 7 8

Step 9: Finish the drawing

In the last step, color the tail and the details in the background – the sun, grass, and flower.

How to Draw a Rooster Step 9

Finishing Touch – Ink and Color (Optional)

Should you be content with your pencil sketch, inking your rooster drawing will give it a clean, professional look. As for coloring, roosters are a palette of brilliant hues, from fiery reds and ocean blues to lush greens and sunny yellows. Don’t shy away from experimenting with various color combinations to create a truly unique rooster.

Additional Insights for Rooster Artistry

  • Delve into research about different rooster breeds to ensure you capture their unique characteristics and colors.
  • Explore diverse feather patterns to craft rooster illustrations that stand out.
  • Consider situating your rooster in a charming farm backdrop or alongside other farm animals for a picturesque rural scene.

In Conclusion – Your Rooster Masterpiece!

Bravo! You’ve completed your rooster drawing, and whether you’re a budding artist or a seasoned illustrator, take pride in your creation. Keep honing your skills and infusing your distinct style into each rooster illustration. Happy sketching!